Eleonora Bernasconi, is 22 years old, she is the first person to have accepted the challenge to undertake a one-month…

Eleonora Bernasconi, is 22 years old, she is the first person to have accepted the challenge to undertake a one-month internship on Albarella Island, to experience first hand the world of tourism and the Island in a different way.

Eleonora is studying bioengineering at Genoa, but her family live on Albarella Island, so she often returns home and has faced lockdown right here, becoming an integral part of the Island’s community. For this reason she decided to apply for the internship: so that she could play her part in Albarella’s restart just like a community does “I was locked in the house for months without lessons and without the opportunity to meet other people and socialize – explains Eleonora -. As soon as I saw that there was this possibility, I decided to apply because I wanted to try something different; I liked the idea of ​​being able to start reliving together “.

For the last few days, Eleonora has been controlling the entrance to AlbarellaLand the eco-sustainable adventure park, inviting guests to comply with the safety measures imposed by law and regulating the entrances to avoid gatherings. “I feel very comfortable – she explains -. I am very happy that this park has opened and it is beautiful, I am pleased to be part of this restart. The people who came in were all kind and respectful, I am very happy

Elena would like to give some advice to the many young people who live on the Island: “Doing this stage is a wonderful experience: you can have training experience and improve your curriculum, it is an excellent opportunity to spend the summer in a different way” .

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